klaviyo now hiring Now hiring: Klaviyo Marketing automation platform Klaviyo is hiring! They’ve got three deliverability/compliance-related roles posted at the moment. There are postings for Deliverability Strategist, Head of Global Deliverability Strategy, and Principal Compliance Specialist. The ideal candidate would work from the Boston, SF or Denver office, I am told. Click on the title for each for more information or to apply. Post a Comment Comments
Marketing automation platform Klaviyo is hiring! They’ve got three deliverability/compliance-related roles posted at the moment. There are postings for Deliverability Strategist, Head of Global Deliverability Strategy, and Principal Compliance Specialist. The ideal candidate would work from the Boston, SF or Denver office, I am told. Click on the title for each for more information or to apply.
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Comments policy: Al is always right. Kidding, mostly. Be polite, please and thank you.