A few different folks have reported to me that when accessing Google Postmaster Tools , they were seeing this message being displayed instead of data: No data to display at this …
Every so often somebody approaches me to ask me if B2B spam is OK now, because they get B2B spam at their work address. Everybody gets it, they presume, thus it must now be accep…
I'm blocking all mail from the new .top TLD , because I'm getting absolutely pummeled with spam from a spammer or small group of spammers rotating through .top domains, t…
(A very old CBL logo.) Click on over to ArsTechnica if you want to learn more about the specifics of this particular spamming botnet army . The interesting bit (for me, anyway) i…
In addition to the blacklists we all know and respect, Spamhaus maintains two other special lists: The  DROP (Don't Route Or Peer) and EDROP (Extended Don't Route Or Peer…