Annalivia Ford, the AOL employee most senders interacted with if they had deliverability issues at that particular provider of mailboxes, has indicated that she's moving on; leaving AOL. A sad day, of sorts, but maybe not -- with AOL's recent layoffs and the world being a different place than it was ten years ago, it's been clear for a while now that mailboxes may no longer be one of AOL's primary points of focus. Her last day at AOL is March 5th. You'll be able to continue to keep up with whatever she's working on over at her blog,

On March 1st, Spamhaus launched a new domain blocking list called the DBL. It sounds great, and I trust that the folks at Spamhaus know what they're doing. It's too new for me to have done any testing, so I haven't yet personally observed it being great at catching spam or not. They recommend using it both for from address (sender) and content (URI/URL) filtering. They also recommend continuing the previous practice of changing URI/URL FQDNs into IP addresses and checking those against the SBL as well, in a two-stage filtering process.
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