Spam Resource in the form of a word cloud

I love word clouds! They're lots of fun. They're a great way to visualize writing in a way that highlights which words and concepts were likely most important to the authors. Or, at least, the things that were most talked about.

So, what if we took all the text from Spam Resource and loaded it up into a word cloud to see what it would give me?

Well, that turned out to be too hard and messy since the extracted text of Spam Resource is more than 515,000 words, so forget that. What if, instead if we took all of the titles for every single Spam Resource post, all 1502 currently published articles, and that leaves us with 9,315 words, perhaps a little easier for word cloud software to chew on.

And that, when fed into, leaves us with this! Lots of this seems to match what is whirling about in my brain at any given time lately: Gmail, Yahoo, Microsoft, deliverability, DMARC and domains, Spamhaus and "new" things that I've shared lots of over the years. It's no surprise to me that Gmail seems to be the mailbox provider I talk about the most, according to the size of the text for its name in this graphic.

I like how "wrong" is much smaller than "ask." Hopefully because I'm happy to answer peoples' questions to help them do things right, instead of wasting blog effort to call people out for doing things wrong. Here you can insert a mangled metaphor somewhere between "rising tide" and "catching more flies" if you want.

Scientific? I'm doubtful. A fun exercise? Very much so. I had a ton of fun figuring this out (had to do a bit of coding to extract all of the blog content and clean it up), and I hope you've enjoyed reading it.

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