death of email funny zsilly Is email dead? No. 3 Comments Comments Mark Brownlow4:26 AM, November 10, 2009Very cool Al - thanks for the love!MarkReplyDeleteRepliesReplyJeffrey K. Rohrs6:03 AM, November 10, 2009Best. Post. Ever.--j.k.r.ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyAnonymous10:00 AM, November 10, 2009I was expecting something long and detailed. This says all that is needed... and made me laugh out loud. Nice work.-KDReplyDeleteRepliesReplyAdd commentLoad more... Comments policy: Al is always right. Kidding, mostly. Be polite, please and thank you.
Very cool Al - thanks for the love!
Best. Post. Ever.
I was expecting something long and detailed. This says all that is needed... and made me laugh out loud. Nice work.