16 Years And Counting

LinkedIn just reminded me: Spam Resource is just about sixteen years old, give or take a week or two. After sixteen years (and over 1.6 million page views), I don't always get the chance to post as often as I used to; life is busy and fast moving. I really can't complain, though, and I'm glad to be able to share what I can, when I can. I hope you all still find it valuable.

People still seem to be visiting; looking for information on topics like backscatter, how list-unsub works in iOS, how to use Microsoft SNDS, or what domains are hosted by Yahoo. I'll keep trying to add to this knowledge base as time permits.

Thanks to everyone who was kind enough to drop me a note and thanks to everyone who has visited the site, left a comment, or been kind enough to author a guest post at some point over these past years.

-- Al Iverson
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