Dead email domain:

It appears that the email domain is going away. ONO was a Spanish broadband communication and entertainment company, purchased by Vodafone in 2014. Fast forward to 2019, and it looks like Vodafone is shutting down the email domain.

Vodafone has published a page with information on the shutdown of the email service. Below find a translated overview of their shutdown timeline, courtesy of Google Translate and my poor high-school Spanish:
As of June 30, 2019 our domain of will stop working. From that date you will not be able to send emails with this address and your emails will be deleted.

Here is a timeline with all the closing information:

  • April 1 to June 30 (2019): you can access your email without problems. You can save your important emails, update the accounts you have with this user (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) and configure your email to receive it in another account that you decide.
  • July 1 to September 30 (2019): all emails that arrive at your address can be redirected to another free platform, if you have programmed it.
  • After September 30 (2019): you will no longer be able to access your domain email. And you will lose all your emails.
As of October 23, 2019, the domain still has an MX record pointing to a live server, but when I connect to port 25 of that server, I get no SMTP banner and nothing seems to happen. Attempts to deliver email to this domain are likely going to time out after a number of tries. I recommend suppressing this domain from your lists.
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