While I'm not planning to hoard Spam during this tough time, I do keep a tin of bacon-flavored Spam in the cupboard, as it makes a good breakfast meat if you find yourself out of bacon or sausage. Slice it thin and it fries up nicely on the stovetop. It also greases the pan well enough that I find that I don't need to oil the pan before frying the eggs.
Need a break from the heavier news? Okay, let's talk about spam and reputation. No, not that spam, and not that kind of reputation. Spam, the food product. Julia Press of Business Insider explains "how the makers of Spam stopped worrying about being a global punchline and learned to embrace the joke."
While I'm not planning to hoard Spam during this tough time, I do keep a tin of bacon-flavored Spam in the cupboard, as it makes a good breakfast meat if you find yourself out of bacon or sausage. Slice it thin and it fries up nicely on the stovetop. It also greases the pan well enough that I find that I don't need to oil the pan before frying the eggs.
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