Millions of inappropriate and racist spam emails sent to Seminole County middle school, high school students

From WFTV: "Seminole County Public Schools officials said they are trying to figure out how millions of inappropriate emails were sent to students. [...] One email starts off with a racial slur, features a photo of President Donald Trump and has a heading that talks about a school employee in a sexually explicit way."

What kind of scumbag targets this stuff at children?

And if you wonder why spam filters need to exist, here's a great reason. Maybe better spam filtering would have prevented this? I wonder what percentage of these sending IP addresses were already on the Spamhaus ZEN blocklist? 

Something similar just happened here in Chicago, as well. And the Chicago Public Schools event led to "reply-all bombing," because one of the email groups sent to allowed all members to reply to the group. Oops. Yeah, let's hope that CPS has since locked that down. And maybe they'll realize that it wasn't wise to use an email group or alias where an email list hosted by an email service provider would have been better. No open posting, no spam forwarded to thousands of people based on emailing a single address.



  1. Chances are that if it was only sent to a specific group of people in a specific organisation, no blocklist or other anti-spam organisation has seen it.

    Chances are also that anything of the kind was sent through a freemail, probably Google, making IP address and domain name based blocking a completely futile effort.


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