Understanding Global Unsubscribe functionality in Salesforce Marketing Cloud
Eliot Harper from CloudKettle has done an amazing thing: Tasked himself with understanding the different types of global unsubscribe handling in the Salesforce Marketing Cloud platform, and created this fantastic explanation of how these work and what Marketing Cloud users should expect as far as how these will impact who you can or cannot send email messages to via that platform. If you're an SFMC user or consultant, you'll know that this is a complex feature that can confuse folks easily. Eliot does a wonderful job of breaking it down and helping to make it easy to grasp. Great job, sir!
Eliot Harper from CloudKettle has done an amazing thing: Tasked himself with understanding the different types of global unsubscribe handling in the Salesforce Marketing Cloud platform, and created this fantastic explanation of how these work and what Marketing Cloud users should expect as far as how these will impact who you can or cannot send email messages to via that platform. If you're an SFMC user or consultant, you'll know that this is a complex feature that can confuse folks easily. Eliot does a wonderful job of breaking it down and helping to make it easy to grasp. Great job, sir!
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