Having trouble with the Yahoo FBL? You're not alone.
Multiple folks have reported via multiple forums today (May 22nd) that Yahoo's ISP Feedback Loop (called the "Complaint Feedback Loop/CFL") may not be working properly at the moment. People are reporting either no volume at all for the past few days or greatly reduced volume of spam complaint reports. I am reliably informed that Yahoo is aware of the issue and is working on fixing things. I'll update this post when I have more information.
Thursday, May 25 Update: This appears to be resolved! FBL volume is flowing again.
Multiple folks have reported via multiple forums today (May 22nd) that Yahoo's ISP Feedback Loop (called the "Complaint Feedback Loop/CFL") may not be working properly at the moment. People are reporting either no volume at all for the past few days or greatly reduced volume of spam complaint reports. I am reliably informed that Yahoo is aware of the issue and is working on fixing things. I'll update this post when I have more information.
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