Should you delete your old emails?

Niamh Ancell, writing for Cybernews, asked me an interesting question recently. The question was: Should you delete your old emails? Is it risky to keep a long and lengthy email history accessible and online? Why or why not?

Most of the guidance I (and others) came up with for the resulting article warned against keeping old emails forever, based on the theory that email often contains massive amounts of personally identifiable information (PII) and bad guys could use that info, even old info, in attempts to impersonate you or hack into your other accounts.

But I’m certainly guilty of keeping tons of old email history around myself. I assume that I’m safer than most in that my email accounts(and various other accounts) are quite secure, with security-key based multi-factor authentication, and I tend not to threaten to kill people ever, so there’s hopefully not a ton of grist for the legal or embarrassment mills hiding in that archived inbox.

But is that the right thing to do? What’s your opinion?



  1. Gmail's "Archive" taught me to save pretty much all non-spam email for searching, so I have lots of old email that I still search through from time to time. I haven't used gmail in almost 13 years, but I still keep an archive. Maybe I should save/export it all to my own storage rather than keep it in the IMAP mailbox, though...

  2. Because I tend to create new emails once every 5 years, I happen to delete my emails regularly. Keeps my mail box clean and I am very sure, I remember what has been sent to me


Comments policy: Al is always right. Kidding, mostly. Be polite, please and thank you.