Founded in 2006, the Messaging, Malware and Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group (M3AAWG) consists of messaging industry companies -- sending and receiving platforms, security services and platforms and more come together to collaboratively address spam and internet security issues.
If you read my recent DELIVTERMS post, you know that best practices for email senders and receivers are one of the many areas they focus on.
M3AAWG recently released a new and useful white paper entitled "Help! I Hit a Spam Trap!" that is primarily oriented toward email service providers (ESPs) and how they can help monitor and guide their clients when learning that mail is being sent to spamtrap addresses. If you're looking for a very solid form of documentation when referencing spamtraps, what they are and what senders need to do about them, this wouldn't be a bad thing to reference. Check it out here.
Founded in 2006, the Messaging, Malware and Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group (M3AAWG) consists of messaging industry companies -- sending and receiving platforms, security services and platforms and more come together to collaboratively address spam and internet security issues.
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