iOS17 filtering click tracking links

When I recently mentioned that new Apple privacy changes were coming in iOS17, it was nigh impossible to share exactly what was coming, as I did not have the opportunity to test it myself -- and even if any of us tests it, it could end up working differently when the final version of Apple's latest mobile operating system is finally released, later this year. So, I didn't have much to share. Thankfully, somebody has to come to the rescue.

Steve Atkins of Word to the Wise has done a most excellent job of exploring exactly how automatic removal of click-tracking parameters works in the current iOS17 beta. It is most definitely worth a read, to better understand how things are probably going to work in iOS17. Do keep in mind, functionality could still be subject to change. Even with that limitation, this is still great research and kudos to Steve for his extensive testing and knowledge sharing.

Click here to read.

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