Deliverability Week Day 3 Recap: Filters, Excuse, Consent, Warming, Karma and more!

Another great day of posts have floated along by in the river that is the #deliverabilityweek hash tag on Linkedin. But if you've missed what we shared for day three of Deliverability Week on Wednesday, June 19th, don't fret! Here's a recap and links to the good stuff.

Steve Atkins writing for Word to the Wise: Filter Evasion

Steve starts with an interesting premise: "It's deliverability week, so everyone is talking about deliverability. But I'd like to take a moment to mention deliverability's evil twin from the mirror universe -- filter evasion." Read more here.

Mickey Chandler for Spamtacular: Why data quality depends on user consent

Mickey explains: "Data is the lifeblood of a marketer's world, but its true power lies in its quality. Imagine making important decisions based on inaccurate or incomplete information -- that's the risk of poor data quality. However, high-quality data alone isn't enough. For businesses to thrive in today's environment, user trust is paramount." Read more here.

Alison Gootee, guest blogging for my blog Spam Resource: Cause and Effect: Countering Common Deliverability Excuses

Alison laments: "Trillions of messages are sent every year, generating billions in revenue for businesses small and large. Due in part to email's ubiquity, senders are a diverse group with unique experiences, outcomes, and goals. Despite the wide range of people and the products they market, one thing remains consistent across all verticals: excuses!" Read more here.

Lauren Meyer for Send it Right: Why Deliverability (Still) Matters in 2024

Laren's take: "[...] Email really has been a sweaty mess since the moment the mainstream public got its hands on it. Spam, scams, phishing attempts, and legislation that's constantly several years behind technology -- including one that literally includes the phrase 'can spam.'" Read more here.

And congrats to Lauren for the launch of her new blog, Send it Right!

Richelo Killian for InboxJam: What Exactly Is Consent In Email Marketing?

Richelo explains: What exactly IS consent? What constitutes consent? In what context do you have NO Consent? Read more here.

Steve Atkins writing for Word to the Wise: Warmup is Communication

Steve explains how the act of IP or domain warming can be considered a diplomatic conversation, "having a conversation with the spam filtering system at our recipients MX, introducing ourselves, showing it who we are as a sender, and convincing it that its users will like the email we're sending." Read more here.

Yours truly, Al Iverson, in a guest post for Matthew Vernhout's EmailKarma: On the concept of Karma in Email

Quite possibly the silliest inspiration for a blog post ever, I wondered if I could write a blog post for the blog EmailKarma about the topic of email karma. Whether or not this gets me good personal karma will, of course, be entirely dependent on how readers feel about it. Read it here.

Matthew Vernhout for EmailKarma: Diagnosing Common DKIM Failures

Matthew writes: "DKIM is a vital email authentication tool for digital marketers, even more so after February 2024. It adds a digital signature to your emails, ensuring recipients they’re coming from a legitimate source and haven’t been tampered with. But even the most robust tools can malfunction or have configuration issues. Here, we'll explore common DKIM failures and how to identify them using DMARC reports." Read more here.

So much great content was shared for day three of #deliverabilityweek! Thank you to everyone participating in Deliverability Week 2024, both so far and those yet to come. Want to keep up with it all? Be sure to follow the hashtag #deliverabilityweek on Linkedin, and I'll be posting periodic recaps to log it all here on Spam Resource, too.

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