Deliverability Week Day 1 Recap: Why deliverability matters to us

Why do we care so much about deliverability? And how did we come to work in this space? Let's share and quote what folks shared for their first Deliverability Week 2024 posts:

Laura Atkins, WTTW, Why Deliverability Matters to Me

On the evolution of sender consulting or what became deliverability: "Deliverability wasn't really a thing when I started consulting for companies. Mostly I would go into a company and look at their processes and explain to them how to comply with MAPS [blocklist] requirements to get delisted. It wasn't about inbox or not inbox. It was solving the immediate blocking problem." Read more here.

Sella Yoffe, Welcome to deliverability week

On his transition into the deliverability space: "After pivoting from many years of working in data quality, I discovered the world of email deliverability. When clients asked me ten years ago if I could validate their email addresses, not just their phone numbers and mailing addresses, that's how I 'fell into email.' In 2019, I started the blog – a blog and a podcast." Read more here.

Richelo Killian, InboxJam, Why Deliverability Matters to Me

On how he approached deliverability consulting: "I was obsessed with learning more about getting to subscribers' inboxes while keeping out the full-blown spammers and grey-area dwellers." Read more here.

Matthew Vernhout, EmailKarma, Deliverability -- Why It Matters to Me and You

On why deliverability is important: "If you want your email program to be successful, you need to nurture it and treat it like the valuable asset it really is. Multiple studies put the ROI on email around $38-41 for each dollar spent. Numbers vary from study to study, but this is not an unreasonable range. With numbers like these, it makes sense to want your email list to be as large as possible, but that is where the deliverability magic happens." Read more here.

Richelo Killian, InboxJam, What Is Deliverability, And Why Does It Matter?

On how to recover from deliverability issues: "The good news is that if you're not doing egregiously bad things like buying or scraping lists, you can always recover as long as you are willing to take the right steps and be patient. Like your own reputation, your email reputation can be hurt very quickly and will take serious time and effort to recover." Read more here.

Mickey Chandler, Spamtacular, It's important to reward good behavior: Deliverability Week

On his deliverability and compliance career evolution: "My journey into email deliverability and abuse management became a career. I started working on abuse desks, helping enforce policies protecting users from spam. Over time, I transitioned into email deliverability consulting, helping companies understand and navigate how to get the right message to the right person at the right time. This included educating them on best practices for list management, content relevance, and maintaining a good sender reputation." Read more here.

We're off to a great start! Thank you to everyone participating in Deliverability Week 2024, both so far and those yet to come. Want to keep up with it all? Be sure to follow the hashtag #deliverabilityweek on Linkedin, and I'll be posting periodic recaps to log it all here on Spam Resource, too.

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