Twenty years ago this month, HoTMaiL was acquired by Microsoft, going on to become MSN Hotmail, er, Windows Live Mail, er, Windows Live Hotmail, er,, or whatever it&#…
Hey, we made it! 2017 is finally drawing to a close! Let's take a moment to review the top five most popular Spam Resource posts this year. Anything to help take our minds of…
A representative of French post office and webmail provider LaPoste announced on LinkedIn yesterday that now offers support for a DKIM -based ISP feedback loop, supp…
Ray from Spamhaus explains why in a new post. Spoiler alert: Looks like the Andromeda botnet and rise of IoT (Internet of Things) spam are to blame.
Engadget reports that Gmail's "Inbox by Gmail" web interface and Android app are proactively offering up a suggestion to unsubscribe from any promotional emails tha…
Brian Krebs recently published a most excellent article on the current state of phishing and what you can and should do to try to protect yourself as an email user. It's def…
🎵 On the first day of Listmas    ðŸŽµ my data showed to me 🎵 something’s causing slow delivery… Over on Spamtacular, Mickey Chandler is  publishing a series of posts for the …
Hey! Are you finding your mail rejected when trying to send to Through a complicated series of mergers and acquisitions over the years, AOL and Yahoo and Verizon hav…
Vodafone (NZ) is reporting that they have shut down their email service as of November 30, 2017. This affects the following domains:,,, paradise…
Hey big sender, it's that time of the year again! Lots of companies generate lots of revenue during the run up from about now until Christmas, and email is a very important c…
Wondering if government action against spammers still happens? Here's an example from the UK. MediaPost's EmailMarketingDaily reports that "two UK firms were fined t…
If you've upgraded your iPhones to the just-released iOS version 11 and your email is hosted by Microsoft's, Office 365 or Exchange 2016, you may now find you…
The MX servers for Hotmail UK changed in DNS overnight. For those who are caching DNS or have hard coded DNS entries, you're going to run into problems with false positive &q…
If you're running a mailing list manager, or dealing with a reply-handling mail system, like many ESPs have in place, you've learned that DMARC adds a number of challenge…
LinkedIn just reminded me: Spam Resource is just about sixteen years old, give or take a week or two. After sixteen years (and over 1.6 million page views), I don't always ge…
Over on the Word to the Wise blog, Laura Atkins raises the concern that in response to the recent "prank" email scandal , email technologists are likely to say that th…
Found on the Sophos Naked Security blog :  Senator Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) contacted the US Department of Homeland Security in a July 18 letter where he ' asked the agency to “…
Check out the reply I received in response to a recent AOL Whitelist Request submission: Subject:  Reputation corrected and request denied Your Whitelist request, with the confir…
Laura Atkins of Word to the Wise explains: "The text to image ratio is not going to make or break delivery." I've certainly had people try to tell me that they thin…
From Network World, here is an update on the winding down of Verizon's email service, which  I previously reported on here . When is the transition happening? "Once cust…
Gmail app users on Android, rejoice -- Google just added phishing protection. If you try to click on a link deemed to be problematic, you'll get warned: “The site you are try…
If you're familiar with the "list unsubscribe" functionality, support for which is implemented in Apple's iOS Mail Client, as well as Gmail and, you…
United Kingdom-based ISP Orange (now part of Everything Everywhere aka EE) has announced that they are shutting down their email service as of May 31, 2017. This affects users at…
As mentioned in a previous post, Verizon recently announced that it is getting out of the email hosting business. Verizon users are being given a choice. They can: Give up their…
There's an effort underway within ICANN where the net result could be that publicly-available domain ownership info is no longer available under any circumstances. Does that…
As reported last May , the Verizon email user transition to AOL continues, with Verizon now announcing that they have decided to " close down our email business ." Exis…
I've been thinking about best practices for password reset emails lately. Instead of trying to re-invent a wheel that other folks have already capably designed, I'll just…
Microsoft's Terry Zink announced yesterday on the Mailop list that Microsoft is combining the infrastructure for (Hotmail) and Office 365. As part of this infras…
I usually try to avoid getting too political around these parts, but this one I just can't resist. Turns out, then-Indiana governor Mike Pence was a big fan of using his pers…
The United States Patent and Trademark Office has granted patent number 9,547,842 to IBM for an "Out-of-office electronic mail messaging system." What? I don't even…
Deliverability Expert Chris Truitt was kind enough to reach out to me after he noticed my prior post lamenting the lack of guidance on what you should do with Microsoft SNDS dat…
ARS Technica reports on Trump minister of propaganda (I think that's his title) Sean Spicer and how he registered a handful of domains a few years ago with his still-current…
Microsoft Hotmail /'s SNDS ( Sender Network Data Services ) portal is a useful interface where you register to be able to look up reputation data specific to your…
Have you heard of the Scunthorpe Problem ? It highlights the side effects associated with trying to filter out profanity. Where it affects me and the clients I work with most oft…
Formerly known as the London Action Plan, UCENET (Unsolicited Communication Enforcement Network) exists to promote international spam enforcement cooperation and address spam re…